National Assembly for Wales Commission Audit and Risk Assurance Committee


Meeting Venue:
Conference Room 4B - Ty Hywel



Meeting date:
9 February 2015


Meeting time:


For further information please contact:

Clerk: Kathryn Hughes
Committee Clerk

0300 200 6565





1     Introductions and apologies and declaration of interests  (Pages 1 - 11)



2     Minutes of 10 November meeting, actions and matters arising  (Pages 12 - 14)



3     Internal Audit Activity Report  (Pages 15 - 23)



4     Latest Internal Audit Reports  (Pages 24 - 79)



5     Proposed Internal Audit Strategy and Periodic Work Plan  (Pages 80 - 92)



6     Audit Outline for 2014-15 Financial Statements  (Pages 93 - 104)



7     Update from WAO on any other matters 



8     Information Governance Framework  (Pages 105 - 129)



9     2014-15 Budget update  (Pages 130 - 131)



10 Coda Finance System - Assurance on Resilience  (Pages 132 - 138)



11 Accounting policies: timeline and process  (Pages 139 - 140)



12 Corporate Risk Summary Report  (Pages 141 - 147)



13 Review of the Assembly's Commission's assurance framework  (Pages 148 - 168)



14 Discuss issues in preparation of the Committee's annual report  (Pages 169 - 178)



15 Review of Committee's terms of reference  (Pages 179 - 183)



16 External audit opinion of committee effectiveness 



17 Promoting cooperation between auditors and other review bodies 



18 Papers to note and any other business  (Pages 184 - 239)
